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Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Province Embraces New Novices of Spiritual Journey

Mar 27, 2024 | Claret Novitiate House, News Updates

Ormoc City, Philippines. In a heartfelt ceremony filled with solemnity and hope, on 23 March 2024, the Claret Novitiate House of Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Province in Ormoc City opened its doors to six new members from diverse corners of Asia. Students Vu Ngoc Dinh, Truong Van Sy, Nguyen Van Thai, and Do Thanh Chung hailing from Vietnam, along with Patrick Gyi Myint Oo from Myanmar, and Charnito D. Tano from the Philippines, were formally accepted into the folds of the Claretian community.

Central to their formation process is the key aspect of pastoral experience. This practical exposure serves for integrating the teachings and principles imbibed during their Novitiate training.

Under the guiding hands of Fr. Amador Tumbaga, CMF, Provincial Vicar and assistant to the Novice Master, alongside the presence of Fr. Arvin Bellen, CMF, the Local Superior, and Fr. Gabriel Hoang, CMF, the Novice Master, the induction ceremony resonated with profound significance. As the newcomers embark on their spiritual journey, they join nine senior novices who have diligently completed the canonical requirements of their Novitiate formation.