Sarangani, Philippines. The past days have been vibrant and faith-filled for the Claretian community in Datal Anggas, Sarangani. They were marked by significant events that highlight unity, celebration of faith, and spiritual growth.
Bishop Cerilo Alan Uy Casicas, DD of the Diocese of Marvel, visited the Claretian Mission in Datal Anggas on October 23 and administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 40 candidates from various mission areas. This sacrament is a powerful step in faith for these young believers, affirming their commitment to a life guided by the Holy Spirit. We are immensely grateful for the Bishop’s support of our mission and initiatives.
On October 24, the community celebrated the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret. Fr. Martin Ernest Ele, the Prefect of Youth and Vocations, presided over the Eucharistic celebration with Fr. Elmer Cantular and Fr. Pham Hoang Thai as concelebrants. The Mass was followed by a joyful baptism ceremony, fiesta games, and a communal lunch, bringing together people of all ages. One of the day’s highlights was a raffle for a cause, featuring ten sacks of rice and a motorbike as prizes for ticket holders. The excitement and joy reflected our gratitude and unity as a community.
After the fiesta celebration, on October 25-27, Fr. Martin Ele organized a three-day re-echo of Claret Youth Camp and Claret Way Asia-East held in Ormoc City last July. The youth were given a meaningful opportunity to connect, reflect, and celebrate their faith through this program.
When trust and confidence in God are at the core of a united community, bigger things can be accomplished, as these Claretian gatherings in Datal Anggas serve as a lovely reminder.
By: Bro. Dominic Aung San Htay, CMF